True Love Waits
by Molly Lambert
True Love Waits (TLW) is an international Christian group that promotes sexual abstinence outside of marriage for teenagers and college students. TLW was created in April, 1993, and is sponsored by LifeWay Christian Resources. It is based on Christian views of human sexuality that require one to be faithful to one's husband or wife, even before marriage.
In addition, they promote sexual purity, which encompasses not only abstaining from intercourse before marriage, but also abstaining from sexual thoughts, sexual touching, pornography, and actions that are known to lead to sexual arousal.
Except, When It Does...
Purity balls can vary in many particulars, but fathers who attend typically pledge before God to protect their young daughters' purity in mind, body and soul. Daughters are expected to remain virgins, abstaining from pre-marital sexual intercourse. Fathers must sign the "Covenant of Purity and Protection," witnessed by their daughters, and openly commit to the pledge.
Miss Manners's opinion is that "polite society does not recognize such a thing as a chastity ring. It is so polite that it presumes that a lady is chaste unless publicly proven otherwise."
The grossest one by far, "an unblossomed rose"
This one represents Jesus cockblocking you
comment from a Jonas Brothers youtube:
"I am so happy that guys are haveing purity ring, I have one and a am a girl and it is hard not to have sex and to have my frinds look at me and think that I am crazy, but I know that God have a man for me and I need to save myself for him. and God will bless you and help you day to day with that if you let him.
I think that is a betwen you and God if you want to go that way, but I have saved myself and still am. i hope and pray that they will stay strong it there wate. God Bless everyone..."
Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas—the teen-pop trio who stand, at this very moment, on the brink of hugeness—wear the metal bands on their fingers to symbolize, as Joe puts it, ‘promises to ourselves and to God that we’ll stay pure till marriage.’
Joe is 18. His ring is silver and adorned with a cross. ‘It actually ripped apart a little bit, just on the bottom, here, but I didn’t want to get a new one, because this one means so much to me,’ he says.
Nick, who is 15, says, ‘I got mine made at Disney World. It’s pretty awesome.’ Kevin, at 20, is the oldest of the three, and while a punk-rock purity ring from Tiffany might represent the ultimate oxymoron, that’s exactly what he’s going for.
His silver vow of abstinence is covered with studs. ‘It’s pretty rock and roll,’ Kevin says. ‘It’s getting banged up a little bit because of the guitar.’”
Kevin Jonas revealed, “We see ourselves as a poprock group.” The 20-year-old member of the group revealed, “We don’t do dance routines. We try to rock out. People classify us as a boy band because they see the reaction of the girls when we play live. But, hey, that can’t be a bad thing. On stage, we’re all having a blast.”
He continued, “When we started making records, we looked to groups such as 'NSnyc and the Backstreet Boys for inspiration. But we have far more in common with the Bee Gees. I love their harmonies and the way they reinvented themselves. We met Barry Gibb and he has become a friend of the family. He told us to take things slowly and enjoy ourselves.”
A good Bee Gees song about purity rings:
He added, “We want to be an energetic band and have fun playing loud guitars, but you don’t have to be an angry teenager to do that. We play the music we love and write the songs we want to write. There would be no point in us trying to be something that we’re not.’
In steering well clear of the temptations that traditionally derail so many young bands, the Jonas Brothers also believe in rock ‘n’ roll without the sex and drugs.”
The Jonas Brothers, who are not known for their wild parties or any post-gig visits to dubious nightclubs, also wear purity rings. The rings signify their desire to stay celibate until they get married. However, Kevin Jonas insisted, “The rings are a constant reminder to live a life with values. For me, it’s a personal thing.
I’m not going to comment on the way other people live their lives. That’s up to them. ‘Chastity is an interesting term. Wearing these rings is a private decision that we made. It’s a constant reminder. You put a string around your finger to remember to wash your car or take your dog for a walk.”
Molly Lambert is managing editor of This Recording
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