Molly Lambert, Molly Lambert
by Molly Lambert
According to this crazy census page, there are 32 other Molly Lamberts in the U.S.A. Here some Molly Lamberts I'm not:
I am not the Molly Lambert who wrote this message-board post about adhesives for tombstones.
I am not University Of Maryland lacrosse player Molly Lambert, now the lacrosse coach at Stonybrook.
I am not the Molly Lambert in this fan fiction about David Archuleta, although when I first found it I absolutely thought I had stumbled onto Alex's secret online American Idol centered e-life.
Nor am I Molly Lambert, President of the Vermont Captive Insurance Association. Did you know that Vermont is the Number One domicile of captives in the United States and third in the world? VT: "An offshore insurance haven."
I am not Molly Lambert the New Brunswick Recreation Specialist, although I do specialize in recreation.
I am not the Molly Lambert with leukemia in Omaha, who has apparently recovered and is doing very well according to the last update her parents made to the site. Send her your good vibes and love.
I am not, nor have I ever been, the Molly Lambert who plays volleyball. I am way too short and bad at spiking.
I am not the Molly Lambert who works at the Charles M. Schulz museum restoring murals and sells Peanuts merchandise, although that is totally awesome and I would love to be.
I am not the Molly Lambert who was married to Ben Franklin in 1875, but when time travel is invented I will be.
Nor am I Molly Lambert the professional dancer who lives in Leicester, although I'll bet sometimes Alex wishes I was.
I am not the Molly Lambert who participated in the psychiatric study The Effects of Test Type and Stereotype Reminders on Women’s Performance in Math, but would you be surprised?
I am not the Molly Lambert who runs a pagan moonstone jewelry store. Or am I...?
"The Weight of the World" - Editors (mp3)
"The Racing Rats" - Editors (mp3)
"Spiders" - Editors (mp3)
I am not Molly Lambert, protagonist of the historical romance novel A Candle In The Window. But sometimes I feel like I am:
A Wanted Man:Escaping into a blizzard with bounty hunters on his trail, Luke McKenna desparately needed to find shelter for his small daughter. Just as he began to lose hope, a light through the blinding storm led him to schoolteacher Molly Lambert's cabin, and Luke knew he'd found a bittersweet gift. For Molly was the kind of woman he could love. But when the storm moved on, so would face the life of a fugitive alone.
A Christmas Angel: When the stranger appeared at her doorstep carrying a sick child, Molly couldn't turn him away. The man was as hard as the gun he carried, but soft as a kitten when it came to his daughter. Snowbound i her tiny cabin, the attraction between them deepened. Now Molly was dreading the day that Luke would leave. But love will light even the darkest days of winter...and Christmas miracles come straight from the heart.
However I am the Molly Lambert who edits This Recording and wrote a hit play, so I'm not sweating it either.
Ryan Adams is alive, but his blog may or may not be dead. I hope not, because my fondness for him grows exponentially when he does things like refer to himself as "the Huey Lewis of"
There is totally an infinity sign in my hair.
Craig's Crime List, the Craigslist Crime Blotter
Van Jensen's Graphic Fiction
Rush The Court, college basketball blog
Cute or strange? Either way, I'm in love with this weird kitten.
Molly Lambert is the senior editor of This Recording.
I am not Molly Young
I am not Morgan Murphy
I am not Madonna
I am not Marly "Marlo" Guthrie
I am not Phillip Marlowe
I am not Marley Marl