In Which You're Going to Need to Think Twice About Where You Sit
Friday, November 2, 2007 at 4:45PM


by Molly Lambert

Fleshbot nails the appeal of Tell Me You Love Me. Welcome back to cable, Boone. We saw your longballs (or is it a prosthetic, as has been alleged?)

Photographer Gabriel Martinez commissioned these shots of straight dudes jerking off framed from the knees down.

I can alllllmost see your chram.

Most of the subjects' rooms are filthy and they are sitting bare-assed where you would not, and it makes you wonder if people are sitting naked on their furniture when no one is there and then you come over and sit in the chairs.

I'm on a pillow...on top of the radiator...oh god yeah it's so hot...

Also legs are kind of gross, especially men's. Any body part is pretty weird really, taken out of context. Like this fucking guy who put an ear on his arm.

Freaky Underwater Sex betwixt Freaky Underwater Creatures.

Are you in space/what is wrong with your feet, they look like hands?

And dork means whale penis, so when you call someone a dork you're calling them a giant dick. Wowsies.

If you are that starved to see people having real intercourse (without stunt doubles or prosthetics), Comstock Films makes porn that is just attractive amateur couples doing it in nice lighting.

How often exactly do guys masturbate while sitting on the radiator? Is like this a thing? Should I know about this?

If you'd rather watch normal looking girls masturbate in non-creepy settings, check out I Feel Myself (NSFW duh). If you'd rather see people's faces than their feet while they masturbate, Beautiful Agony continues to catalogue all kinds of funny orgasm faces, male and female.


Sex Packets - Digital Underground: mp3

Sex Magick - John Zorn: mp3

Sex And Dying In High Society - X: mp3

Molly Lambert is Senior Editor of This Recording. She admits that her floor isnot too clean right now either.

Not in front of the kittens!


Bridget Moloney loves Tell Me You Love Me.

Tess Lynch on sex tapes and Alex took on homosocialism in Superbad.

Molly was unimpressed with Hotel Chevalier and Dan Murray was downright pissed

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