In Which We Recount Our Recent History
Friday, June 6, 2008 at 6:10PM

Recentlyish On This Recording

by Molly Lambert

We Objectified Directors

Dick Cheney Got LOST

Viva La Oral History Of The State!

We did A Scorsese Week, Nobody Wrote About Taxi Driver

The Sexual Politics Of Skyscrapers


Phil Spector & R. Kelly Are Guilty As Sin

We Took Jack Nicholson To Task

We Met The Real Life Iron Man

Celebrity Couples Confused and Amazed Us

Indiana Jones Got Rowdy In A Malt Shoppe

"Let's Stay Friends" - Les Savy Fav (mp3)

"The Year Before the Year 2000" - Les Savy Fav (mp3)

"Scotchguard The Credit Card" - Les Savy Fav (mp3)

The Internet Is Ash & This Recording Is Lotion

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