
Video of the Day


Alex Carnevale

Features Editor
Mia Nguyen

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Ethan Peterson

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This Recording

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Pretty used to being with Gwyneth

Regrets that her mother did not smoke

Frank in all directions

Jean Cocteau and Jean Marais

Simply cannot go back to them

Roll your eyes at Samuel Beckett

John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion

Metaphors with eyes

Life of Mary MacLane

Circle what it is you want

Not really talking about women, just Diane

Felicity's disguise

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« In Which We Have Serious Questions About Whether We Will Be Able To Tolerate Her Any Longer | Main | In Which Chris Farley's Death Is Probably Your Fault »

In Which Chaos Overwhelms Us

Chaos, Please

by Alex Carnevale

Senator McCain revealed this week that a meeting with President Bush would move from a scheduled appearance at the Phoenix convention center to a private residence. The Bush campaign presidency accommodated the request of the McCain campaign.

And so on: there is no one that McCain can talk to publicy. He has become sequestered in a retirement campaign where he eats bagged lunches with Senator Lieberman.

Such a move is blatant pandering to Jewish voters. But everyone is willing to pander to Jewish voters. A sociology professor I had once told me that. He added that the Ramones were Jewish and Perry Farrell was Jewish, presumably so is Senator McCain, and his opponent in the fall.

Danish suggested that since Obama is virtually a lock to win the presidency during an unpopular war and economic downturn, that Ms. Clinton should join the ticket to make history.

How about reaching across the aisle for Bobby Jindal? As long as you're going to win, why not tarnish the biggest rising star in Republican politics with the loser brush of the Democratic Party?

perry farrell makes us wild!

levi on myanmar

The changing spectre of race

Search for a lost B-2 bomber

Cynthia Ozick on Lionel Trilling

when Obama wins

Is Milton better than Shakespeare?

Funny newspaper headlines

Germany's best photographers

perry, you're out of control, I love it

Puff the Magic Dragon by Broken Social Scene

what the future of music will sound like

"Last Christmas" - Wham! (mp3)

WTF was Bobby Jindal wearing in Jerome AZ?

Games Magazine

allergic to wifi

walking through BK

Idea for How To Dunk Basketball Awesome

nytimes is crazee

the week in quotations


Full recording of Glenn Gould performing Bach (mp3)

I didn't like this New Republic cover:

not enough colors

What went wrong in Hillary's campaign from inside the campaign. Michelle Cottle quotes:

"Harold Ickes's encyclopedic understanding of the proportional delegate system was never operationalized into a field plan. The campaign inexplicably wrote off many states entirely, allowing Obama to create the lead of 100+ delegates that he has today. Most notably, we claimed the race would be over by February 5, but didn't devote any resources to the smaller states that day and in the weeks that followed, allowing Obama to easily run up margins and delegate counts on the cheap--the delegate margin he will win by."

"There was financial mismanagement bordering on fraud. A candidate who raised more than a quarter of a billion dollars over the years had to pump in millions more of her own money to stave off bankruptcy."

"I don't think anybody in America doesn't think she can do the job. What they're dying for is to know a little bit more about her. And we were unable to present that side of her."

"If you look at this campaign as a 15- or 16-month gambit, the public turning point was the Philadelphia debate. Her non-answer on the driver's license issue. Again, it spoke to the character issue: The sense that she will say anything and do anything to get elected. It drove the Obama narrative of her home."

"Her dense and wonky speaking style was compounded by her speechwriting team's reporting to Policy Director Tanden rather than Communications Director Wolfson."

Other Women To Love

Radha Mitchell

lookin' good

this young woman in the NYP


Cameron Diaz:

Peggy Noonan on Hillary

Emily Haines = Envy Adams

Mary Rambin thinks she is Cristina Yang

god bless AmApp


JA and Carrie Bradshaw

The Triumph of Bullshit

musing on The Bachelorette

Dos Press chapbook series

Hugh Hefner's son Marston

Tao Lin versus Bujalski

actual cover of Esquire:

Careful what you charge online

adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's The Road

Kyle Schlesinger

Little Sparrow

WFB vs. Hitchens in '98

This dude's Alex Balk stalking is pretty funny, Balk seems to be taking it well and not well. I think he should just be flattered.

Hilar nytimes comment

Naomi Wolf is a terrible prude

judging emily harshly

miracle marine:

emily on NPR

obama's hard knock life

Speaking of Obama, the movement to convince his detractors that he is not a Muslim has approached critical mass. It is relatively clear Obama has never been a Muslim; it also seems clear that his father was once a Muslim, as was his stepfather. The problem I have with this Democratic gushing, "He's NOT a Muslim, GRRRRR" is the supposition that being a Muslim is such a terrible thing. If there was a presidential candidate devoting a page on his website to dispelling vicious rumors he was Jewish, I'd take offense pretty quickly. Of course we know why Obama supporters are doing this: they believe regular people are too dumb to not instinctively vote against a 'Muslim' candidate. That doesn't make it right.

is john mccain a muslim?

castro on obama, good lord

disposable catering

the history of food

Peter Gizzi on Barbara Guest

Of Montreal covering MIA

misceallaneous skullduggery

sarahchristine and she and him

First look at new Woody allen

old Woody allen

Postcards from Yo Momma has a sweet new site

I didn't know A-Rod wore number 13 because of Dan Marino. Yikes.

from here

took polaroid every day till died

honoring the fallen:

McGinnis was manning the turret in the last Humvee of a six-vehicle patrol in Adhamiyah in northeast Baghdad on Dec. 4, 2006, when an insurgent threw a grenade from the roof of a nearby building.

“Grenade!” yelled McGinnis, who was manning the vehicle's M2 .50-caliber machine gun.

McGinnis, facing backward because he was in the rear vehicle, tried to deflect the grenade, but it fell into the Humvee and lodged between the radios.

When he stood up to get ready to jump out of the vehicle, as he had been trained to do, McGinnis realized the other four soldiers in the Humvee did not know where the grenade had landed and did not have enough time to escape.

McGinnis, a native of Knox, Pa., threw his back against the radio mount, where the grenade was lodged, and smothered the explosive with his body. McGinnis was posthumously promoted to specialist, and he was awarded the Silver Star, the nation’s third-highest award for valor, while the Medal of Honor nomination was pending. The grenade exploded, hitting McGinnis on his sides and lower back, under his vest. He was killed instantly. The other four men survived.

"Violet Hill" - Coldplay (mp3)

"Praying for Time" - George Michael (mp3)

Alex Carnevale is the editor of This Recording.


We say sorry.

You magnificent bastards.

Legend of Georgia Hardstark.

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Reader Comments (1)

good photo

August 13, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteregyptian

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