
Video of the Day


Alex Carnevale

Features Editor
Mia Nguyen

Reviews Editor
Ethan Peterson

Live and Active Affiliates
This Recording

is dedicated to the enjoyment of audio and visual stimuli. Please visit our archives where we have uncovered the true importance of nearly everything. Should you want to reach us, e-mail alex dot carnevale at gmail dot com, but don't tell the spam robots. Consider contacting us if you wish to use This Recording in your classroom or club setting. We have given several talks at local Rotarys that we feel went really well.

Pretty used to being with Gwyneth

Regrets that her mother did not smoke

Frank in all directions

Jean Cocteau and Jean Marais

Simply cannot go back to them

Roll your eyes at Samuel Beckett

John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion

Metaphors with eyes

Life of Mary MacLane

Circle what it is you want

Not really talking about women, just Diane

Felicity's disguise

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« In Which If It Weren't For The Chosen People You'd All Be Living In Caves | Main | In Which Senator Obama Comes From Hard Stock »

In Which You Guys These Are Like The Best Links or Something

Monday Links Shatter Glass Ceilings

by Alex Carnevale

Since we first proclaimed Hillary dead, she's been spinning in her grave just fast enough to become one of the best runner-ups in the history of the primaries. Her future is certainly brighter than of another glorious runner-up, Denise Richards, whose spray-tan scares even the most ardent of her supporters.

While Hillary fully embraced her rival, she began the campaign in earnest for the VP ticket. He'll never choose her, and she should recuse herself from consideration immediately. Why be seen as a loser twice?

That doesn't mean there isn't life after this campaign for Hillary. Time to give her credit. I thought Obama would win since I saw his cherubic face take the stage at the last DNC convention, but I never thought Hillary would become as appealing as a candidate as she has. I would have rather had an actual succubus as our president before this campaign; now I find the new Hillary a compelling, engaging and charismatic figure.

noonan on hil's exit

In this campaign, she has proven herself to be one hell of a candidate. Despite the missteps of advisors, her speechmaking was never better. She's deft on her feet, she actually cares about what she's doing, and she seems like a nice person you might want to spend some time with.

During her racist slutbag husband's presidency, I don't think we actually ever knew her as well as we thought we did. And now that we do, the general consensus seems to be that she'll fade away from the political scene at the young age of 60. Considering the Republicans have gone to great lengths to nominate someone who looks like a troll you might find under a bridge, I don't think that's the case.

wouldn't that have been a celeb couple to die for? damn you father time!

There is a third act for Hillary in American politics. We're not as sick of her as we thought, and a 68 year old woman can certainly look better under the camera's glare than a woman could have during Margaret Thatcher's time.

Forgive me for reducing it to her looks, but since we can assume her brain isn't decomposing, it's the major obstacle to a run for president in 2016, when she'll be 68.

My 90 year old grandmother can probably run for Senate, and the way Hillary's aging, with the help of her favorite plastic surgeon, she can easily be considered the favorite. Current 68 year olds:

raquel welch - nah, I don't think she had plastic surgery, what do you think?

faye dunaway - would never let a surgeon touch her perfect skin, neither should hillary

julie christie with about 12 pounds of base on her face. Is this Hillary's actual future?

Of course, Indiana Jones star Karen Allen didn't age as well as the ladies above. She's only 58, and look how she's let herself go:

eeee karen!!!!

When Spielberg asked Karen if she'd be in the movie, he didn't say she'd be the Crystal Skull.


Does drinking bleach cure HIV?

The worst place to be a terrorist

more snakes around than usual

this dude is a racist a-hole

snake in a car engine

Peggy Lee all over again.

Obama gaffe machine

Kate Hudson and Lance Armstrong debut in public.

"First Sight (Tom Inhaler remix)" - These United States (mp3)

Golden Hymn

Philip Whalen in 1973:

I brought back a piece of its rock
Heavy dark-honey color
With a seam of crystal, some of the quartz
Stained by its matrix
Practically indestructible
A shift from opacity to brilliance
(The Zenbos say, "Lightning-flash & flint-spark")
Like the mountains where it was made
What we see of the world is the mind's
Invention and the mind
Though stained by it, becoming
Rivers, sun, mule-dung, flies-
Can shift instantly
A dirty bird in a square time

from here

lyrics of rock songs in alphabetical order, trust your instincts

going to rollerjam usa

rethinking stonehenge

he didn't like obama's commencement address

steven pinker keeps it real real

in praise of liberal guilt is so dumb

death of a start up?

There's someone I forgot to be

some hot summer soul for you to enjoie

23 best downloadables

"We're not in this race to make a point, though a very important point will be made." - Bob Barr

Dykes to Watch Out For

fuck marry kill democratic candidates for prez

how all that sigur ros nudity came about

this controversy is entertaining

These men are not to have their energies “dissipated by wine and women.” The name of the Propaganda Department has been changed to “Publicity Department” — for the benefit of English speakers (only). Chinese scientists have been tinkering with the weather, as they are wont to do. They practice “rain mitigation,” and they are doing their best to ensure that no rain, or less rain, falls on the Olympics. And, in order to make way for improvements, and to make Beijing sightlier, the government has razed whole neighborhoods, once filled with traditional huts. There is not much thought to the people displaced. Westerners marvel at what the Chinese authorities can accomplish, and the speed with which they can accomplish it. They are even envious. An American acting as a senior adviser to the Beijing Olympic Committee said, “The ability to get things done here is really staggering. In Los Angeles, it would take endless discussions to build any structure. Here they decide to do it, and kaboom! It happens.” Yes, dictatorships are known to be good at that sort of thing. -Jay Nordlinger

A million cars have been banned from Beijing, and 200 million trees planted. This is an effort to combat the city’s pollution, which is severe. They have prohibited tobacco for the Olympic period: You can’t smoke on public transport or in indoor workplaces — a real sacrifice for a heavily smoking nation. There will be anti-spitting patrols. Citizens have been admonished to be polite to foreigners. And government workers have been warned to watch their morals: These men are not to have their energies “dissipated by wine and women.”

from here

The name of the Propaganda Department has been changed to “Publicity Department” — for the benefit of English speakers (only). Chinese scientists have been tinkering with the weather, as they are wont to do. They practice “rain mitigation,” and they are doing their best to ensure that no rain, or less rain, falls on the Olympics. And, in order to make way for improvements, and to make Beijing sightlier, the government has razed whole neighborhoods, once filled with traditional huts. There is not much thought to the people displaced.

Westerners marvel at what the Chinese authorities can accomplish, and the speed with which they can accomplish it. They are even envious. An American acting as a senior adviser to the Beijing Olympic Committee said, “The ability to get things done here is really staggering. In Los Angeles, it would take endless discussions to build any structure. Here they decide to do it, and kaboom! It happens.” Yes, dictatorships are known to be good at that sort of thing.

- Jay Nordlinger

you probably want to be a buddhist couple

the joy of Torchwood

what to do with that spare $75 billion you have lying around

these pics of zooey freak me out:

Karl Rove's wisdom

O.J. Mayo getting ready to be drafted

How to avoid jetlag

the stupidity of dignity

our man ramesh on the election

this chick's photostream is pretty hot

karen mcdougal fan art

the kirsten dunst suicide watch is on

islam in south brunswick nj

i want to buy all these products

muxtape stumblr

we love sounds is a hot act

fuck these fucking people

the sex effect

i almost cried during this recap of the bachelor: london calling

clarissa explains it all with kids is so wrong

the quest for every beard type

An improved situation in Iraq:

Iraqis have experienced lulls in the past -- notably after the January 2005 elections -- only to see violence flare again.

"The security situation is much better than in the past three or four months, and I am making more money now," said Falih Radhi, who runs a food store in eastern Baghdad. "Despite this, I have a feeling that this positive situation won't last long and that violence may come back again."


"Tear You Apart" - She Wants Revenge (mp3)

"She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not" - She Wants Revenge (mp3)

"Red Flags and Long Nights" - She Wants Revenge (mp3)

a little trip down delta way

odds on what you'll die from

terry eagleton's a d-bag

not understanding george michael

gotta love this santogold track & photo

Alex Carnevale is the editor of This Recording.

from here


Candywrapper is my favorite tumblr of all time except when she posts pics of her pet rats

Take a Report

god I love Goldenfiddle

Robot Heart is tumblr of the decade

Petite Sophisticate

The Interpreted World

Chaos Theory

Our Hell Is A Good Hell

follow the This Recording tumblr

The Angry Black Woman

i Obsess

The Root

Bradley's Almanac


Give yourself something to do.

Tess predicts the future.

The sad story of Chris Benoit.

Reader Comments (2)

I hate you for how hard I laughed at "When Spielberg asked Karen if she’d be in the movie, he didn’t say she’d be the Crystal Skull."

and I admire your restraint in not bolding the second "be"

June 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMolly Lambert

Awww. I love you guys.

June 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMelanie

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