In Which The Ants Go Marching One By One, Hurrah

Girls love math and science, they just hate sexist bullying. Yeah duh! This Recording loves science (still working on math) and despises Old Boys' Clubs.
Women have "no emotional feelings" during orgasm
Black Hole rips apart Screaming Star
Dead hawk's last meal climbs partway out
Big Brains mean longer lives
The Internet is full of Cyber Black Holes
Gorillas getting the Ebola virus
Delicious Tasty Ghrelin Hormones
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bears, you steal my human food.
Australian man commits suicide by robot in a booth. Yes, just like in the Futurama pilot and some similar stuff by Kurt Vonnegut.
Suicide is painless, it shows up in your brain scans
Crazy raspberry ants attack Houston! Run from them! RUN!
Black Holes catapult through space
Will California fall into the ocean?
Squids have the largest eyes of any animal proportionally
Giant Squid being thawed out
Volcanic Smog = Vog
Paleo-beads called cenospheres found in rocks of the Chicxulub Crater explained
10% of U.S. kids sip sizzerp on the weekly. Rilly?
Wounded Bald Eagle gets artificial beak:
"Dignity. Always dignity"
Rocky the robo-squirrel
Apes are just as self-conscious as humans:
"Why do I feel like such a phony? Am I one?"
Treasure found in 500 year old shipwreck
Mexican parasitic plant identified and named:
"You can't call it ugly but on the other hand I recognize it's not everyone's cup of tea." It looks like a Super Mario bad guy!
Pittsburgh beats Los Angeles for most polluted city
Butterflies remember being Caterpillars!
Here come the marching Martian sand dunes
The Lungless Frog of Borneo:
"I have no lungs! I have no lungs!"
Bum bot patrols Atlanta streets.
Solar tsunamis in Stereo
A computer-generated image shows TrES-3 and its host star, which is slightly smaller and cooler than the Sun. The gas giant exoplanet is twice as massive as Jupiter
Three hundred planets observed in the last thirteen years
Shooting star shower on Mars
Seeds of Life: found near Saturn
Researchers think the geysers on one of Saturn's moons, Enceladus, are formed from liquid water beneath the surface near the moon's South Pole. The vapor treks through little channels in the ice and condenses to form ice crystals that also move toward the moon's surface. That results in jets of water vapor and ice grains spewing from the surface.
Fetal Planet still under construction
Galaxy Evolution seen in action
Real life Iron Man exoskeletons and body armor
The real-life HAL exoskeleton (left) and Sarcos XOS exoskeleton (right) compared to the fictional Iron Man (middle).
Orchid-Dupe-Wasps go all the way with Australian tongue orchids
Robotic bird makes first flight, crashes into tree
"I can fly! I can fly! I can...D'oh"
Mind's limit found: Four Things at once
Brains hard-wired to hate losing
"Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be" - Awesome President Abraham Lincoln
"To live among people, robots need to handle complex social tasks. Robots will need to work with emotions, to understand and eventually feel them." - Japanese Scientist Junichi Takeno
Mighty eruptions on the sun trigger rippling bursts of ringing sound waves, like in Sunshine.
Bald penguin Pierre gets a wetsuit.
Greater dwarf cloud rats found
Pygmy Elephants may be descended from an extinct race
"Another Day" - Jamie Lidell (mp3)
"Anonymous" - Glorytellers (mp3)
"Two Steps Twice (live)" - Foals (mp3)
Molly Lambert is the science editor at This Recording
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[...] her clothes will be comfortable; they may be somewhat “young” for her. They have expertise in a specialized area, and/or a wide general [...]
[...] S…Lee, Heung-Cheol on In Which They’ll Outlive…In Which Mary Sue Ta… on In Which The Ants Go Marching …Arianna on In Which We Remake You Into Hu… In Which Plants Certainly Do Want To [...]