In Which We Discuss The Future of This Recording In A Language You Can Understand

by Molly Lambert
Today we begin again.
Originally called Semantography, Charles K. Bliss invented a language that makes ideograms out of seven hundred basic icons. Now known as Blissymbols, it is not widely used and it's still debated whether an entirely logographic language is possible. I like it because it reminds me of rebuses and the sample sentences sounded like Talking Heads lyrics.
In the future, This Recording will be written entirely in Blissymbols.
This is my house.
This is my life.
Please come here today.
I want to go to the cinema.
She is my friend.
It is made of wood.
I lost my hat while at sea.
On icy stairs.
We learn by teaching.
I think, therefore I am.
Who can help us now?
I doubt what the government says.
Whose book is that?
Her boyfriend is jealous of her work.
Their relationship won't last.
How did they like the giraffe?
She has beautiful teeth.
I like the music from these headphones.
Your wife said she was in the hospital because of depression.
That nonsense must stop.
Happy to help!
Molly Lambert is the managing editor of This Recording.
"Knickerbocker (instrumental)" - Fujiya & Miyagi (mp3)
"Knickerbocker" - Fujiya & Miyagi (mp3)
Spring, Summer Autumn Winter
Gary Snyder and Han-shan
Beck Hansen and Peter Walker
Andrew Zornoza and Alex Rose.
Reader Comments (2)
What is this picture, the elfy lady in the sunglasses? Where's it from?
whoa. these symbols are amazing. i must investigate.