In Which Segregation of the Sexes Leads To This Delightful Adolescence Entry For The Whole Family

Vintage Violence: Grades 6-8
by John Gruen
Note: The author attended an all-boys school.
1. I told J he looked like Dickey Barrett from the Mighty Mighty Bosstones. He slapped me in the face.
2. I swung a lacrosse stick at W's head and missed.
3. B threw me over a desk.
4. A made a spear out of a stick and killed all of the fish in the pond outside of the math building.
5. J, M and I stole food from the cafeteria everyday and put it in an unlocked locker we called the 'yucky locker'
6. M took a bottle of whiskey to his room and drank until he had a .24 blood-alcohol level.
7. J, B and A used to kick T's ass every day after lunch. I would watch sometimes.
8. T bought a mouse, killed it and skinned it. He brought the body to school the next day and ate it.
9. I kicked A in the testicles for no reason whatsoever. Years later, he told me it was the most painful and confusing thing that ever happened to him.
10. M took a volume of Encyclopedia Britannica into the library bathroom, shat in it, and reshelved it.
11. W, J and J used to try to make me fight a different person every day to toughen me up. I never won.
12. My mom took T and I to Disney World and I got a rash. When we got back, T told everyone that she'd put Gold Bond on my balls.
13. J and W convinced J he was gay.
14. W and J played a game called 'Robinhood Shuffleboard' which involved shooting an arrow straight up in the air and running away.
15. G (and many others) told me that I was going to burn in Hell for being Jewish.
16. All the cool kids made themselves pass out.
17. B broke my glasses twice and called me a faggot when I asked him to pay for them.
18. Coach T made J demonstrate a new kind of sit-up in front of my whole gym class even though he had a visible erection.
19. W used to make A and I fight on his trampoline. This led to many bloody noses.
20. M stole all of my Pogs, and I ratted on him. This led to both Pogs and Magic cards being banned.
21. W made the sixth grade math teacher cry.
22. Someone (unknown, probably W or M) took a shit on the bathroom floor and stuck a AA battery in it.
23. M used to take his mom's muscle-relaxants in class.
24. Everyone hated C, M, C, B and K.
25. D drank a whole bottle of Nyquil before math class.
26. B made the Spanish teacher have a nervous breakdown in class. The teacher never came back to school.
27. P gave me his extra sandwich, which I later found out had a giant loogie in it.
28. One day while picking him up from school, J's father, who was ex-IDF, put J in a sleeper hold and made him pass out.
29. B, who was several years older than us, would whip his dick out in our faces at the carpool line.
30. T peed on all off the faucets.
31. M brought a screwdriver to school and stole all of the doorknobs in the English building.
32. One day a few years later J made fun of me for a failed club I started, and A spit a mouth full of water on me. I went home, started crying and was on anti-depressants the next day.
John Gruen is a writer living in Brooklyn. You can read his entry in Childhood here.
Our second trip to the MOMA.
Breaking and Entering was ridiculous.
Rufus is stuck in a mirror with you .
Reader Comments (13)
[...] am sure it is weird to be a kid from Texas suddenly ensconced in the privileged prep-school world you always dreamed of. I can only imagine what Wes’s relationship with Imitation Of Christ [...]
[...] Part Two (John Gruen) [...]
[...] One (Rebecca Wiener)Part Two (John [...]
[...] Part Two (John Gruen) [...]
[...] Part Two (John Gruen) [...]
[...] Gruen passed along sordid tales of Vintage Violence. No Comments so far Leave a comment RSS feed for comments on this post. TrackBack URI [...]
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[...] Part Two (John Gruen) [...]
[...] One (Rebecca Wiener) Part Two (John [...]
[...] One (Rebecca Wiener) Part Two (John [...]
[...] One (Rebecca Wiener) Part Two (John [...]
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