In Which Earthquakes Give New Reason For Blog Posts

An earthquake shakes Molly's keys loose...
a SONATA for p/rep/ared KEYBOARD
i AM not TRYING to MAKE this P/URP/OSELY look likE a RANSOM note OR because I’m A STR8 GANGSTA now. my COMP/TUR is BROKEN. I am TAKING this BETCH to THE glendale galleria GENIUS bar right AWAY.
i couldn’t STOP/ myself FROM trying TO blog AND it GOT me THINKING that JOHN cage WOULD be reallY into P/REP/ARED comp/uter KEYBOARDS and THE IDEA of BLOGUEING concrète. i’m SURE there ARe P/OETS who HAVe THOUGHT of THIS vis A vis THE internet. THERE was A dep/artment FOR it AT my SCHOOL. thE HYPERTEXT field IS wide BUT shallow. They HAVE yet TO imp/rove ON p/roject XANADU.
The ON the ROAD typ/ewriter scroll
RIGHT now MOSTLY the CAP/S lock IS turning ON and OFF at WILL and SOMETIMES things COME out AS sp/aces INSTEAD of CHARACTERS. It’s P/RETTY imp/ossible TO tolerate. IMAGINE how FRUSTRATING it WOULD be IF comp/utERS were MORE like HARP/S or ORGANS. LIKE if YOU had TO hold DOWN a SHIFT key NOT just TO cap/italize BUT to WRITE vowels OR YOU HAD to TAP/ some KEYS TWICE and OTHERS three TIMES.
WE think OF typ/ing AS being INTUITIVE AND close TO thinking, LIKE kerouac TYP/ING out the MANUSCRIP/T for ON the ROAD as A scroll, but LANGUAGES are ONLY intuitive ONCE you’ve LEARNED them AND thEY become INTERNALIZED. I remember looking At BILLBOARDS BEFORE I knew HOW to READ. Staring INTO THE incomp/rehensible ICONS known AS letters, willing them TO reveal THEIR meanings TO me.
The SCROLL of KUBLA khan by SAMUEL taylor coleridge
unfamiliar LANGUAGES can BE clunky AND HARD to USE. html IS a LANGUAGE but if I ever started THINKING in IT while NOT BLOGGING I’d want YOU to murk ME.
I was TERRIBLE at LANGUAGES in HIGH school. I took FRENCH instead OF the INFINITELY more USEFUL sp/anish p/arce QUE je SUIS un ABRUTI.
but EVER sincE i learned HOW TO P/LAy GUITAR off ABOUT.COM i AM sup/er COCKy THAT i CAN learn ANYTHING from THE internet. (EXCEP/T how TO fix A comp/uter KEYBOARD ap/p/arently).
John CAGE saddle shoes BY RAY johnson
my CELL p/hone IS broken in A way WHERE i CAN’T read MAYBE a FIFTH of THE screen AND i JUST work AROUND IT. Sometimes I get TEXTS where THE key WORDS are BLACKED (or actually, P/URP/LED) out like “HEY MOLLY i WANT to [........] YOU LATER.”
I AM still WAITING for THEM to INVENT a MACHINE that WILL directly RECORD MY thoughts.
THIS recording DIDN’T invent DIGITAL p/oetry WE just P/ERFECTED it. blogs ARE mostly ASSEMBLAGE anyway.
Kerouac wrote ON the ROAD IN an AMP/HETAMINE induced SP/RINT. DID Jack GET the IDEA for A CREATIVITY enhancing drug BINGE from SAM coleridge, WHO wrote KUBLA KHAN and THE rime OF the ANCIENT mariner IN an OP/IUM hazeP?
aaron SORKIN was COOKING his own CRACK when HE wrote THE american P/RESIDENT. I WONDER IF he WATCHES the WIRE. if DICK wolf RAN the WIRE there’D be AN amy WINEHOUSE ep/isode THIS season. I’M only on SEASon ONE so far MYSELF. don’t SNITCH.
John CAGE cooks
The VOYNICH manuscrip/t IS a mysterious illustrated book with incomprehensible contents written between approximately 1450 and 1520 by an unknown author in an unidentified script and language.
BOB coover AND his Electronic LITERATURE Organization would ap/p/rove. i LOVE ELO!!!!!!!!
John CAGE with P/IANO
great WORKS by TR’s P/ATRON saint JOHN cage
Indeterminacy ONLINE
UBU web IS the HOME of CONCRETE p/oetry ON THE web.
ALL the covers OF p/ublished editions OF OTR
John CAGE comp/osed IN america
yourS truly,
Molly Lambert is the managing editor of This Recording. She tumbls it all right here.
"First Interlude" - John Cage (mp3)
"Sonata X" - John Cage (mp3)
"Sonata VI" - John Cage (mp3)
"Sonata II" - John Cage (mp3)
"Second Interlude" - John Cage (mp3)
"Sonata IV" - John Cage (mp3)