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Alex Carnevale

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Mia Nguyen

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This Recording

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Pretty used to being with Gwyneth

Regrets that her mother did not smoke

Frank in all directions

Jean Cocteau and Jean Marais

Simply cannot go back to them

Roll your eyes at Samuel Beckett

John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion

Metaphors with eyes

Life of Mary MacLane

Circle what it is you want

Not really talking about women, just Diane

Felicity's disguise

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« In Which We're Up Early And Moving Like Leonard »

from Journal


We made love all afternoon. Sonny asked, "Was it good?" I said, "Never in my life" etc. The irrelevance of words, the happiness of being free of all such clothing. I lie on my back. Dumb. Savoring dumbness. My mother said she found my father on his back on the bedroom floor, staring up at her with a dumb little smile on his face, as if it weren't bad being dead. He'd gone like himself, a sweet gentleman with fine nervous hands, not wanting her to feel distressed. It's a mystery how one learns to speak, the great achievement of life. But when the soul speaks -- alas it is no longer the soul that speaks.

Billy says, "Why don't you let me do it? Afraid you might like it?"

A huge fellow with the face of a powerful dullard stood behind the counter. He turned for items on the shelf and I saw that his pants had slipped below his hips, where he was chopped sheer from lower back to legs. No ass to hold up his pants. His bulk pushed forward and heaved up into his chest. He had a hanging mouth and little eyes with a birdlike shine. I bought salami and oranges from him, thought I no longer felt any desire to eat.

We made love all afternoon. Sonny asked, "Was it good?" I said, "Never in my life" etc. She said, "I should be compensated."

Alone, you hear yourself chewing and swallowing. You sound like an animal. With company everyone eats, talk obscures the noises in your head, and nobody looks at what your mouth is doing, or listens to it. In this high blindness and deafness lives freedom. Would I think so if I hadn't left her?

She pressed my leg with hers under the table. Conversation stopped. She continued pressing, then pulled away abruptly. She did it to excite herself, that's all. Her makeup was sloppy, her clothes were stylish. She'd start to say something, then laugh and say, "No." I'd never seen anyone more depressed. She said, "Driving to work I brush my teeth. I'm the invisible woman." I said, "I locked myself out of my office and my car. I don't even exist." She said, "I lost my checkbook and sunglasses. Nobody needs them." "I forgot my appointment. Nobody wants to meet me." She frowned. "You're trying and that's sweet. But I don't care."

Deborah's dentist, a little Jewish man, talks incessantly and she can't say a word because her mouth is pried open, under investigation by steel instruments, and also hooked like a fish by a suction tube. Nevertheless her dentist says things that require an answer, so she grunts and moans to say, yes, no, really, how nice, too bad. Last time she saw him he carried on about Buddhism, which he studies with monks in a temple. He said, incidentally, that he'd learned to levitate. She asked him if he meant "meditate" rather than "levitate." He said, "No, I mean levitate." She asked him to show her. He said, "No, no." She pleaded with him. He refused. She refused to leave. He said, "Just once." He turned his back to her, crouched slightly, and lifted off the floor. I waited for Deborah to continue, but hat was the end. She had no more to say. I snapped at her, "He did not levitate." She said, truly astonished, "He didn't?"

Sonny was my best friend. Then she says, "I met a man last night." My heart grew heavy. I couldn't count on her anymore for dinner, long talks on the telephone, serious attention to my problems, and she'll no longer tell me about herself, how well or ill she slept last night, and whether she dreamed, and what she did yesterday, and what people told her and she them. She said, "I don't know why, but I feel guilty towards you." I said, "What's he like?"

She said he is some kind of psychotherapist, divorced, lives in Mill Valley. His former wife is Korean, a fashion model. She made him install a plate-glass window in their living room so birds would fly into it and break their necks. She had them stuffed.

"Oh, I know the guy," I said. "Women find him attractive."

"How do men find him?" I was conscious of the danger.

"He dresses well. He likes classical music, and hiking. He goes sailing. He's a good cook. Doesn't smoke."

"You think he's a prick."

You can find the first three entries in Leonard Michaels' Journal here, here, and here.

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"Your Moon" - Sun Airway (mp3)

"Waiting on You" - Sun Airway (mp3)

"Swallowed by the Night" - Sun Airway (mp3)

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    审计署:46中央单位审计查出142亿“问题资金”-搜狐新闻 “年轻队员为所欲为是不行的”   新京报讯 (记者温薷 王姝)昨天,审计署公布了46个中央部门、单位2014年度预算执行情况和其他财政收支情况审计结果。据新京报记者统计,这些中央单位审计查出的“问题金额”超过142亿元。其中,超过7成单位“三公”经费存在问题。   “三公”经费和会议费支出降27%   审计还查明,40单位存在转移、挪用或套取财政资金发福利等现象,共涉及2.54亿元;26单位103名干部被发现违规兼职取酬473.18万元。
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    亚投行协定正式签署 中国暂列第一大股东 千禧球场将承办2017年欧冠联赛决赛   亚投行协定正式签署 中国暂列第一大股东   新华网北京6月29日电(记者韩洁、熊争艳)亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行)的57个意向创始成员国代表29日在北京出席了《亚洲基础设施投资银行协定》签署仪式,标志着成立亚投行及其日后运营有了各方共同遵守的“基本大法”,迈出筹建最关键的一步。
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    非农为希腊公投“让路”,黄金今日有望反弹 解放军新营房大改 可跟随部队同时“|商丘华豫学院小姐   汇金网7月3日讯??周五(7月 不找借口球员都病了 3日)亚市早盘,国际现货黄金徘徊于1166美元/盎司附近,昨日金价破位下跌,跌破1162一线的前低,刷新三个半月(3月中旬以来)最低水平至1157.03美元/盎司。昨日美国6月非农报告没有市场预期的那么强劲,把那些短线提前做空黄金者打个措手不及。基本面及技术面配合 中国留学生施虐案被告不认罪 将做心理评|se 969wyt co 分
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    中国将向巴基斯坦交付8艘潜艇 并转让建造技术资料图:S20P型AIP潜艇原标题:中国将 安全变年轻的秘密?一般人我不告诉他! 向巴基斯坦交付8艘潜艇 并转让建造技术英国广播公司(BBC)8月31日报道称,中国将在2028年前向巴基斯坦海军交付8艘先进的柴油-电力驱动攻击型潜艇,并向巴基斯坦转让潜艇建造技术。就在不久前,美国与印度签订《后勤交换协议备忘录》,印度将可以购买和使用美国顶级技术升级空军和海军装备。巴基斯坦海军将领和潜艇部队指挥官8月26日向巴国会国防委员会通报了向中国购买潜艇的进展。巴基斯坦媒体说,这样高级别的通报表明这笔交
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    重伤!曾诚韧带断裂赛季报销 康复时间6-8个月-搜狐体育 国足0-0伊朗 张玉宁停球飘逸   (搜狐体育 裴力 徐江9月6日沈阳报道 面部填充用玻尿酸?不,我选美基元整形自体脂肪移植术! )中伊之战中国队收获1分的同时,也付出了沉重的代价,记者赛后从国家队内部了解到,中国队的主力门将曾诚膝盖后十字韧带确认断裂,必须要进行手术治疗,正常情况下曾诚也将休养6个月左右的时间,这意味着国家队必须寻找到一个新的主力门将。   开场第第5分钟,伊朗策动反击,绍贾直塞球力量稍大,阿米里禁区内在已拿不到球的情况下,依旧没有收脚,膝盖直接撞向曾诚,主裁判立即向阿米里掏
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    珍爱生命,保护消防员,纽约市正在测试无人机   一个安静的星期 美基元整形PicoSure蜂巢皮秒激光轻松解决你的“面子”问题! 天清晨,在纽约史泰登岛的公园里,消防员迈克尔·沃尔(Michael Wall)操纵着便携操作箱上的手柄,将一架红色的无人机对准新泽西州方向,面前的显示器上,是从无人机传回的巴约纳大桥的清晰画面。      图片来自:纽约时报   这是纽约市消防部门正在进行的无人机测试。这台价值高达 8.5 万美元的无人机,由 Hoverfly 制造,重 8 磅(约 7.2 公斤),可拍摄视频及红外图像,并将影像实时传回,消防当局在快速作
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    10万部门预决算公开不全 财政透明趋势令人担忧  财政部9月 美基元黄金热玛吉逆世来袭,40岁瞬间重返20岁! 8日通报地方预决算公开情况的报告。该报告显示:有11个省级政府、138个市级政府未公开2014年举借债务情况说明;1601个省级部门、16934个市级部门、91778个县级部门未公开国内公务接待的批次、人数。这是财政部首次披露这一专项检查结果。   因为很久没有政府的运营数据,财政部的审查报告,算是填补了这个信息空白。报告本身是枯燥的,都是概括性的数字,没有点名到具体负责人。而且因为涉及到预决算这个专门方面,无论是媒体还是民众,都不知说
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    巴西被罢免总统搬离总统府 打包行李装多辆卡车 一袭红衣的罗塞夫走出总统府,向民众道别。(图片来源:巴西媒体)   中国日报网9月8日电据巴西媒体9月7日报道 仅仅20分钟,美基元整形汪福强院长就能用他的双手为你找回专属女人的自信! ,因弹劾案过关而遭罢免的巴西前总统罗塞夫6日下午搬离总统府,在前往机场的途中,她受到支持民众的夹道送别。不少支持者顶着烈日等待了好几个小时、只为向罗塞夫道一声“再见”。   当地时间6日下午3点半左右,一袭红衣的罗塞夫走出总统府,她在几名前内阁部长和巴西劳工党国会参议员的陪同下,向等候在总统府外的支持民众道别。收下民众献花后,罗塞夫搭乘专机返
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    台风“莫兰蒂”登陆闽南 厦 听说武汉知名网红要来美基元开直播?中秋网红美丽盛会,引爆美基元! 门35万棵树被吹倒   原标题:“莫兰蒂”登陆闽南 大闹中秋节   今年全球最强台风袭闽浙赣苏皖沪   今年第14号台风“莫兰蒂”于15日3时05分在厦门翔安沿海登陆,登陆时中心附近最大风力15级,中央气象台今晨继续发布红色预警,厦门全市大面积停电。   据中央气象台和福建气象部门消息,“莫兰蒂”是今年以来全球最强台风,也是1949年以来登陆闽南最强台风。预计“莫兰蒂”将以每小时20公里左右的速度向北偏西转偏北方向移动,强度明显减弱,16日晨在江西境内减弱为热带低压。预
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    Response: 武汉整形医院
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    北京房山发现最早版本《心经》 系唐三藏翻译   原标题:房山石经发现最早版本《心经》   北京晨 男士做双眼皮图片大全 报讯(记者 王歧丰)唐三藏翻译的《心经》原来就藏在房山石经之中。昨天,云居寺宣布,房山石经中刊刻的《心经》是现存最早版本,为大唐高僧“三藏法师玄奘奉诏译”。   据房山云居寺与石经文化研究中心主任罗炤教授介绍,《般若波罗蜜多心经》通称《心经》,在中国乃至东亚的历史文化中,特别是在精神思想领域,具有巨大的影响。   《心经》有多种汉文译本,流行最广泛的是玄奘译本。罗炤说,有关玄奘翻译《心经》的最早记录保
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    武汉一高校图书馆设“考研专座” 七成网友认为不妥   央广网北京9月26日消息 据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,日 美基元汪洋:面部年轻化项目介绍【360】 前,武昌首义学院图书馆给考研学生“定制”了598个实名制座位引来热议:一份签名承诺书、一张学生证和对应的一卡通号码,准备考研的学生就可以申请办理一个实名制座位,这些不会被抢走的座位被戏称为“学霸专座”。对于学院的做法,很多同学表示支持,认为这样可以有效制止在图书馆肆意占座却不来学习的现象;但也有不少同学反对表示,图书馆作为学校公共资源,应当遵循“先到先坐”的原则。“座位实名制”的做法,
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    “沪六条”加大土拍资金监管 违规将“没收”保证金 10月8日,市住房 埋线双眼皮线头过长 城乡建设管理委、市规划国土资源局联合下发《关于进一步加强本市房地产市场监管促进房地产市场平稳健康发展的意见》(以下简称“沪六条”),加大执法力度,规范市场秩序,坚决遏制房价过快上涨态势,确保本市房地产市场平稳健康发展。上海出台的“沪六条”,积极响应了国家层面的房地产调控思路,符合市场预期,但没有涉及太多的限购等做法,主要以规范市场交易秩序为主。易居研究院智库中心研究总监严跃进分析道,“沪六条”明确了增加土地供应,这是上海积极补库
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    挥抹不去的美院记忆--江西频道-- 美基元汪洋医生做双眼皮好不好 人民网 原标题:挥抹不去的美院记忆   蒋跃 高原印象?情愫 114×180cm 2016年   原标题:挥抹不去的美院记忆   秋风劲,又到了一年一度的开学季。上世纪80年代初,中国美术学院当时还是“浙江美术学院”时期,我有幸考入,成为第一届美术教育系的学生。   美丽的西子湖畔陶冶了我的生活情操,寝室、教室、食堂,三点一线的节奏催人奋发。每天晚上在图书馆看书,闭馆后回寝室继续,10点熄灯后还要点蜡烛苦读半小时。当时我们自己组织了一些课外兴趣小组,星期天是出去
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    Response: 神农架SEO
    加速乐phpwind专用加速包的简单使用评测   这段时间准备用phpwi 神农架网站制作 nd搭建一个本地社区,目前在用512M的VPS,内存有限,带宽才2 http://shennongjia.666rj.com M,流量大了很容易宕机;前段时间看到加速乐推出phpwind专用加速包,据说可以缓存动态网页,减少对原始服务器的资源请求,因此决定试一试效果。   因为专用加速是付费的,我也不希望直接花钱被坑了,于是找了他们的客服,给了一个正在用phpwind专用加速的网站,简单测试了一下,本来是测试后仅供自己参考,不过既然都

Reader Comments (1)

Thanks for posting these songs. Further research has taught me that the band is actually called Sun Airway. I think Oh, Naoko would be a cooler band name, but the songs are excellent.

June 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

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