
Video of the Day


Alex Carnevale

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Pretty used to being with Gwyneth

Regrets that her mother did not smoke

Frank in all directions

Jean Cocteau and Jean Marais

Simply cannot go back to them

Roll your eyes at Samuel Beckett

John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion

Metaphors with eyes

Life of Mary MacLane

Circle what it is you want

Not really talking about women, just Diane

Felicity's disguise

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« In Which Michael Cera's Mixtape Hits Your Shores »

The iTunes Playlist: Michael Cera

Michael Cera's revolutionary performance as George Michael Bluth in the WP show Arrested Development will live with us forever. We disdain his meek Juno identity and prefer the strong, masculine George Michael who hooks up with cousins and loves Quicken. Enjoy Michael Cera's tremendous celebrity playlist, as posted on iTunes.

"Days I Need Off" - Jim Guthrie (mp3)

Please help me make Jim Guthrie rich.

"Strange" - Built to Spill (mp3)

I listen to this song.

"I Wan'na Be Like You (The Monkey Song)" - Louis Prima and Phil Harris (mp3)

Put this on a CD and drive around playing it as loud as you can handle.

Michael: Your Uncle Gob seems to think that he saw you down at the docks today. Was that you?
George Michael: No. Maybe it was the other George Michael. You know, the singer-songwriter.
Michael: Yeah, that makes sense.

"Not the Lovin' Kind" - Dino, Desi & Billy (mp3)

I happened upon this record one day and really liked this song a lot.


"Care of Cell 44" - The Zombies (mp3)

If you've ever been to jail this song will have a tremendous impact on you. If you haven't it will sound stupid.

"Till the Morning Comes" - Neil Young

A fantastic new talent from the mighty plains of Canada.

"I'm A Pearl Diver" - The Microphones (mp3)

This song made Ellen Page pregnant in real life.

"The Sun Shines Down On Me" - Daniel Johnston (mp3)

Making this list has drained me in a way I can't describe.


Michael: Besides I already got George Michael the big present for his birthday...
George Michael: A suit! Dad, is it Jack Welch?
Michael: I want you to look under the pants.
George Michael: Quicken Premiere! Dad, I hope you kept the receipt.

"The Good Life" - Weezer (mp3)

Weezer is my favorite band ever. This song is incredible, as is the remainder of this album. Also, Rivers Cuomo is releasing an album very soon that consists of 15 years' worth of demos that he recorded on his own. It will be the best thing to happen to music since 1996.

"Ghost Mountain" - The Unicorns

This song made Jason Bateman refuse to learn how to play guitar in real life.

"Don't Break the Mailman" - Dion McGregor

I don't know if you're familiar with this man or not but his name is Dion McGregor and he became best known for talking in his sleep. This is one example of his frantic and consistently desperate somniloquies.


Ann: I think that church and studying are fun. I thought you felt the same.
George Michael: Well, I do. I like not having fun. I like your idea of fun... I mean, our idea of fun. I like not having that.

"A Cowboy's Work Is Never Done" - Sonny & Cher (mp3)

A painfully dramatic song about a man who knew no fun. He was so handsome women cried.


"Let Me Roll It" - Brendan Benson (mp3)

Brendan Benson is amazing, this song especially kills me. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize for my descriptions of these songs being so short. When I sat down to do this, I thought I would end up apologizing for them being so long. Now I'm 3 songs in and I've got like 4 lines to show for it. In my own defense, though, I figured people would rather just download the songs and listen to them. That's what I'd do. I think I was right in keeping them short. I'll try to continue to keep them short. I'm sorry this one was so long.

Gob: Steve Holt's not my son.
George Michael Bluth: Steve Holt? What, the moron jock?
Gob: That's my son, you pothead.


"Night Is the Day Turned Inside Out" - Beulah 

My understanding is that Beulah is currently disbanded, which is a shame considering how amazing they were. However, Miles Kurosky (the former frontman) is going to be releasing a solo album in the very near future which I suggest you keep your eyes out for because it's going to be amazing.

"Ain't It Strange" - Dr. Dog

This song turned J.K. Simmons into an understanding parent in real life.


Tobias Fünke: He might be afraid of sex, but you're not.
George Michael Bluth: I'm not afraid of sex.
Tobias Fünke: Well, OK, have sex with this girl. Right now. Get in there, have some sex with her.
[George Michael hesitates]
Tobias Fünke: I thought so.

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You can find the Wes Anderson mixtape here.

References (6)

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Reader Comments (4)

he look like my gay brother. he's also acting like my brother

December 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranonymous

i don't know what this is all about but i like it. i

January 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commenternorasims

lol he looks so funny there and he looks like my friends gay bro

January 10, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersam

Well, he is certainly cute. I am his fan and I liked the picture. He does excellent performances as an actor and he looks beautiful, too. Hope he gets all the best in life.

January 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLord Volturnus

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