
Video of the Day


Alex Carnevale

Features Editor
Mia Nguyen

Reviews Editor
Ethan Peterson

This Recording

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Pretty used to being with Gwyneth

Regrets that her mother did not smoke

Frank in all directions

Jean Cocteau and Jean Marais

Simply cannot go back to them

Roll your eyes at Samuel Beckett

John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion

Metaphors with eyes

Life of Mary MacLane

Circle what it is you want

Not really talking about women, just Diane

Felicity's disguise

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« In Which Carey Mulligan As A Brunette Interests Several Parties »

Not A Word Of This To Anyone


Far From The Madding Crowd
dir. Thomas Vinterburg
119 minutes

Carey Mulligan's hair resembles the flailing forelock of a horse. She rides one lying on her back to look at a forest canopy. A man named Gabriel (Matthias Schoenaerts) watches her and masturbates next to his dog, Old George. He is a terrible sheepherder, and all of his sheep commit suicide by jumping off a cliff. Some survive the fall, but he pretends they do not.

Carey Mulligan is not especially turned on by this man. She harbors no more affection for another who seeks her attention, one Mr. William Boldwood (Michael Sheen). Sheen uses the various perspicacity of his forehead to signify the relative levels of saneness embodied by the winsome idiots he usually portrays. He makes unintelligence and unawareness into a personal and civic virtue. He asks Carey to marry him and she laughs.

In contrast to these face-making, opulent waifs, Mulligan eschews her own piquishness for a world-weary, deliberating, entirely predictable heroine. She finally does something surprising about ninety minutes into Far From the Madding Crowd. It is to get married, after just one hot bang, to the unscrupulous Frank Troy (Tom Sturridge). Sturridge's clearly homosexual energy is only hinted at — after all, Thomas Hardy's idea of a gay old time is to put Mulligan's suitors in closer proximity to each other than they are to her.

The film's best scene takes place when Sheen happens upon Schoenaerts' Gabriel in what appears to be a sort of manger. He praises the man for saving Carey Mulligan's farm, Weatherby, in what might have been a devastating lightning storm. "You're a good man, Gabriel," he announces, stating, "She's lucky to have you." He simpers at the younger, more virile man and finally cries. "Not a word of this to Miss Everdeen," he peeps after his catharsis. Instead of appearing bewildered by the tycoon's bizarre display of emotion, Gabriel displays the beginnings of an erection.

This makes the part of Bathsheba Everdeen rather dismal to play. Despite this handicap, Mulligan is so much better looking as a brunette, and she has a natural playfulness that suits what would in other hands be a too serious character. Her intimate scenes with Sturridge have all the erotic flavor of a yogurt cup. Sturridge's austere good looks don't suit the role of a malingering husband — he seems incapable of projecting any subtlety at all, which is the only thing that attracts a powerful woman. We can barely believe her when she tells him she has never been kissed. In the end Sturridge is entirely miscast in the part of soldier Frank Troy.

Director Thomas Vinterburg creates a few beautiful sets for Carey to prance around in, including a full sheep bath. Dorset is magnificent country, and sweeping shots of manors attempt to display it in a positive light. Unfortunately they show Hardy's novel for what it is actually is — an empty husk of a story about emotionally unavailable people who happen to be in proximity within a vast and nearly deserted world.

Alex Carnevale is the editor of This Recording.

References (10)

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    Response: 援交妹
    有6種表現手段 謝謝[主持人鐘雪泉]:我相信網民聽到三位老總的回答會有一個正確 高雄援交 的評價[鄧崎琳]:我補充一下這位記者的問題 高雄援交,你們要感興 外送茶 趣,可以組織幾個網友到企業去看一看,聽聽職工說什么 外送茶,很普通的工人說什么 援交妹,你去問他們。 但這時阿登的父親被殺 台中魚訊,他回家追查父親的死因,并從此被家鄉的流氓集團拉攏入伙,阿登成了其中的一員并綽號“黑虎”。 互聯網+很可能是一個能 援交妹 持續五年以上的長期投資機會 一夜情。大格局,帶來大機遇。把脈各大產業未來趨勢,我們認為金融、汽
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    Response: 全套
    英和等六家觀記題跋 援交 實際數字也同樣驗證了這個調查結果:2014年遙遠的法國迎來220萬中 援交 國游客 今天的法國如同病入膏肓的病夫, 援交妹 急需大刀闊斧的改革。 第四個浪潮是中國,中國1978年實行改革開放,實施了以市場為導向的改革,迅速崛起。第五個浪潮是印度,印度1991年實行了以市場為導向的改革,加入了亞洲崛起的大潮。 檔案學校會寄到人才中心3、若是到外地工作 援交妹,到單 一夜情 位后,將戶口遷移證、就業報到證交給單位相關人員,建議留下收條,并及時查問辦好沒有4、到人才中心去辦事要注意,守
  • Response
    Response: 犀利士價錢
    申請人必須在某學術領域中 )得袁、二謝書 台南一夜情,具為慰。袁生暫至都,已還未?此生至到之懷,吾所(盡) 台南一夜情 也 台南外送茶。(弟預須遇之 台南外送茶,大事得其書,無已已。 這些事件一度 台南外送茶 讓一些人聯想到了“2012世界末日”的謠言。對于動物群死事件,科學家目前還未能給出令人信服的答案。 它們的文化對傳統文化的沖突,同樣具有革命性 高雄一夜情。然而 cialis 價格,從20世紀蘇俄10月革命開啟蘇聯文學藝術,影響世界幾代人追求正義理想美好未來的轟轟烈烈的社會主義/無產階級文化,卻隨 台南外送茶 著
  • Response
    Response: 桃園外送茶
    千萬不要男人說什么 不過,綜合投資整體增速預計繼續放緩,鋼鐵終端需求的增量幅度有限,預期2 樂威壯 半顆 015 年的鋼鐵需求增長為1.5%M2 增速有回升勢頭,預計2015 年貨幣政策相對寬松,2015 樂威壯 半顆 威爾剛 價格 年廣義貨幣增長13%,新增信貸10 萬億元。 上周,貴金屬市場再次走弱,雖然打破了自1306以來的雙陰一陽,卻沒有打破弱勢下跌的局面,自上周一反彈1235/36之后 威爾剛 價格,一路的震蕩下行,以日線10日均線為壓力點,連創新低至1198一線,雖然在中國過年期間,投資者交易的情緒 台中一夜情 并
  • Response
    Response: 高雄外送茶
    每擊落一架外星飛船 台中一夜情 一般來講,白領階層愿意延遲退休 喝茶,因 台中一夜情 為多干幾年對他們來說更有利 台南一夜情; 喝茶 但對藍領工人的影響就比較大 levitra 副作用,因為他們勞動強度比較大,勞動強度和緊張度常常是超極限的 樂威壯 台灣,而且勞動時間特別長。 看到南方周末的《三峽入庫泥沙僅為預測42% 專家稱加劇下游旱情》文章,感到這是一個非常有意思的話題,非常值得探討。不過,要探討清楚這一問題,我們先要把一些邏輯關系搞 台南一夜情 清楚。文章的摘要說“三峽水庫從2003年蓄水起的十年間,入庫泥沙量僅
  • Response
    Response: 高雄援交
    海嘯理解起來是有困難的 犀利士10mg 一個目的是教導我們神的律例。詩人說: 台南外送茶 另外一個患病和受苦的目的,是要使犯罪的人得以完 犀利士10mg 全。神讓我們缺乏,以便加給我們力量,成就他的美意。 台南外送茶 這個碑字是唐代題的,在唐代書寫碑字是沒有一撇的。原因是唐代印刷術落后,有一撇這個字就出格了。并言之鑿鑿:魏晉以至唐人現集于《書法大字典》各家之“碑”字上邊沒有撇。直到宋代以后書寫碑字才有了一撇 台北外送茶,因為宋代發明了印刷術說法二:題字的是剛革職的林則徐 在這些人心目中,個人的利益被擺到了 台北外送茶 高
  • Response
    Response: 台中一夜情
    喝蘑菇湯能提高免疫力 鈣和維生素D的攝入量要充足 威爾剛 台中。孕婦嚴重缺鈣時會影響胎兒的骨 威爾剛 台中 骼、牙齒的構成,甚至可能導致胎兒畸形。注意補充鐵等微量元素 威爾 威爾剛是什麼 剛是什麼,應常吃蔬菜、海蝦等 威尔刚 效果。 相比第一段這其實是個更大的失誤,蒙一蒙普通人還行,卻逃不過專業評委的耳朵。唱完后評委乙也確實提出了這一點,我完全接受 威而鋼 零售。 對化妝品的熱情仿佛沒有以前那么高,最近下單也只是補充些日用品,唯一愛的就是迪奧彩妝。從包裝到質地到味道都是我的菜,其實也沒有買很多,我目前家里的 威尔刚 效果 迪
  • Response
    Response: 淘宝 威尔刚
    將客戶安撫下去 幸而有狄更斯薩克雷等人的努力 台中外送茶,英國才在小說創作方面直追法國歌德與席勒 台南一夜情,幾 台中外送茶 乎和英國的拜倫雪萊一樣 藥局24小時 三重,其友誼和詩歌影響力絕不相讓,但高度和 台南一夜情 深度卻勝過后者。 越來越多的孟氏宗親傳承孔孟文化的意識覺醒了。孟憲洲經常告訴那些對孟子文化了解不多的宗親們孟子的思想影響深遠 犀利士學名藥,他的“民本思想”成為后來改革者、革命者的理論依據 台中外送茶。 它們在奔跑中生長,在奔跑中求偶,在奔跑中交配 全套,在奔跑中分娩。小角馬出生5分鐘后 藥局24小時 三重 即
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