In Which It Was A Week Where We Didn't Know

The Week In Review
That's enough about the Moon, what about the Earth? The Earth is also a celestial body, or so I have heard. Did you know apes can't swim? If there is coincidentally a question about that when I appear on Jeopardy! , that would be advantageous for my chances. This Recording could fire hire that foot-washer I've been complaining our office doesn't have.
On second thought, I'm not terribly keen on going on Jeopardy! ever since I found out about the article this guy's local newspaper ran on his third-place appearance:
Lakeland's John Munson achieved something on 'Jeopardy' Friday night, even if it wasn't money.
The 27-year-old, who now lives in New York, had tried out to participate in the competition as a tribute to his late sister, who'd wanted to appear on the show. Munson came in third Friday. Five-day champion Stefan Goodreau of Los Angeles placed first. After a rocky start, Munson shot up from $200 to $4,600, excelling in a Bob Dylan-themed category.
By the final round, he was still in third place but up to $8,200. His earnings dropped down to $3,200 after he incorrectly guessed 'Cher' as the woman who was 'on a world tour at age 69 when Jeopardy' premiered in September 1984,' and 'had the world's no. 1 hit.' Goodreau correctly guessed 'Tina Turner,' clinching his win.
But let me get back to the Earth, a subject worth returning to. I have spent my entire life on Earth, so I feel I know a great deal about it. I like the local gravity here, and the blogs. Here are some of my favorite Earth blogs: Apocalypstick, Ellen Copperfield, The State That I Am In, Rise!, Salad and Candy...there's others I'm sure. I don't read the internet as much as I should.
- Ben Arfmann explored the legend of Keanu Reeves.
- Joan Didion kinda blew us off.
- Molly explored the life of the man whose penis was three sizes too big.
It's a little bit Earth-centric to post pictures of the Earth. I don't want to brag about all our fresh water. Sometimes it's hard to fathom where all the water comes from, or why Poland Spring seems intent on hogging it.
- Meredith went to see (500) Days of Summer.
- Duncan Jones and Sam Rockwell took Alex to the Moon.
- Marco explained the appeal of Torchwood.
Kurt Vonnegut once opined that "In the water I am beautiful", inciting about 16-20 seniors at my high school to place that quote on their yearbook page or scrawl it above a sketch of a colostomy bag. In the water you are more wet than beautiful, I thought that was supposed to be the point. Enjoy these articles from The Week That Was:
- Chloe showed you her photography.
- Molly explored new places and ppl.
- Alex looked back at this week's True Blood.
I would like a strong Burgundy.
- 25 things Becca can't handle right now.
- Marlon Brando met Truman Capote for real.
- Bob Creeley nattered on about Franz Kline.
You can find last week's Week in Review here.
"You Are Never Alone" — Vic Chesnutt (mp3)
"Fodder on Her Wings" — Vic Chesnutt (mp3)
"Splendid" — Vic Chesnutt (mp3)
This Recording: Without It There Is No Future