In Which We Are The Officer of Hearts

The Week in Review
Who knows what content will descend from such lustrous shores!
As the autumns nears, you have a right to know what to expect from a blog. We will be going further than ever before, straddling depths never before traveled by mortal men or women or Zac Efron. Other blogs will cower in wonder as we reach new heights of cynicism and plot to travel to the stars.
For example:
Eleanor wrote about the legacy of Don Draper's infidelities...
Meredith reflected on the changing of the seasons...
Molly told us about her new diet...
November will feature the onslaught of our series on The Future, which is sure to win several awards across the internet. I hear that we are huge in Beijing. We have hired programmers to help us create quality content efficiently. These professionals must not starve. We will be asking for your support soon now.
Light was the Queen of Our Senses
Almie looked at this week's Mad Men with a diary...
Meredith hated on being a woman...
Our plan to inject a dose of This Recording into local school systems across the country is admittedly reaching some negative feedback. Some say our gifs take up too much bandwidth, and that our message about sex is confusing to young people. Never fear! We will hit them in the classroom and at home later on! It is the New Year for our people!
For instance:
Lauren is up nights watching Melanie Griffith play a robot...
Jake Sugarman relived Michael's life in his videos...
Director Lena Dunham travelled to Tokyo with her mom...
We thank you for supporting This Recording, and if you demur, we can only offer you these humble essays on the state of man and mankind:
Meredith Chamberlain on safety versus comfort...
Alex Carnevale on the Star Trek phenomenon...
Molly Lambert breaking apart Mad Men from the inside..
You can find last week's Week in Review here.
"Old Yellow Bricks" — Artic Monkeys (mp3)
"This House Is A Circus" — Artic Monkeys (mp3)
"Do Me A Favour" — Artic Monkeys (mp3)