In Which We Get Bent

Be Gentle
As summer quickly creeps up on us, I'm reminded of naked people. And that I blog naked people. All the time. This brings me untold fame and recognition. Yeah, not at all. But it's become something of a hobby, as it certainly does not bring me any monetary gain.
Last August, I began to collect all the free porn I really enjoyed via tumblr and began to disseminate it through Bend Me Over. There was no real reason, I just didn't feel comfortable posting smut on my personal blog, so I created a collection and added a tagline.
I believe the secret to my success (traffic! traffic! traffic!) is my site description: "Bend Me Over... And fuck me hard. Please direct all inquiries, requests and offers of cock" to my e-mail address. Throughout the last 9 or so months, I've learned some lessons.
For one, photographers are a fickle lot.
The idea of a copyright via the internet is insane to me, but many people who take pictures do not take such a laissez-faire attitude to the distribution of their photos. Legal threats and pictures of penises rule my inbox.
For another, people are looking for someone to understand them. I get great requests such as, "You posted a great picture of a girl with a red bush, I love redheads, thanks so much for posting. Where I can find more ginger porn?"
Lots of e-mails I get are from men and women who just want me to know I made them very... happy. I see my blog as an interesting and exciting pastime and anytime someone really enjoys it I feel validated.
So my process and my purpose... As a straight lady-person, I look at these women who are voluptuous or slender, legs completely splayed or demurely crossed and I marvel at the beauty. I appreciate the just right curve of a hip, breast or ass and I am a lover of the simply scandalous and the outright bizarre.
The sweet embrace and the rough fucking. The intimate kiss of lovers and the gentle biting of cock. Nude and pornographic photos elicit a response in everyone and lately my response has changed. I've never been a fan of hardcore or derogatory images but I've begun to appreciate a more intimate element of photographs. A picture where a couple or an individual looks truly vulnerable and at the mercy of the moment are the hottest to post.
Staged, cheesy porn has a numbing effect on my loins and my mind. My main process is that I subscribe to hundreds of porn blogs and site feeds in my very full Google Reader and then I meticulously go through each feed to decide what is up to my relatively high standards.
The main question I ask myself for each photo I come across to ascertain whether it meets my standards:
Would I want to be in this picture? Does this intrigue me? Make me hunger for more? Beyond whether I want to hop into the pictures, I'm also really big on certain aesthetic issues: I hate fake tits. You can't be a stickler about these things, but I'm a big fan of women who proudly bare their double A's or their massive triple E's (a real size).
As a feminist, I worry about what I have chosen to do with my free time. I spend way too much time everyday looking at women in various stages of undress and I feel as if I'm betraying my strongly held views. Or am I really doing yeoman's work for the porn-feminism dichotomy? Neither of course. Porn can be oppressive or empowering depending on what it is and who's making it. I'm just posting it.
The most unfortunate side effect of this whole venture is when I tell people in my real life that I have this site, they generally assume I post pictures of myself. I can see how they got there, sure, but no, never. Be glad. Enjoy these naked ladies.
Sarah C. Roberts is the senior contributor to This Recording. She tumbles non-naked people here. She last wrote in these pages on the subject of the HBO series True Blood.
"Graham Lewis and Our Struggle Against Fascism" - Dining with the Bolsheviks (mp3)
"Sometimes" - Dining with the Bolsheviks (mp3) highly recommended
"Sea of Love" - Dining with the Bolsheviks (mp3)
Dining with the Bolsheviks myspace