
Video of the Day


Alex Carnevale

Features Editor
Mia Nguyen

Reviews Editor
Ethan Peterson

This Recording

is dedicated to the enjoyment of audio and visual stimuli. Please visit our archives where we have uncovered the true importance of nearly everything. Should you want to reach us, e-mail alex dot carnevale at gmail dot com, but don't tell the spam robots. Consider contacting us if you wish to use This Recording in your classroom or club setting. We have given several talks at local Rotarys that we feel went really well.

Pretty used to being with Gwyneth

Regrets that her mother did not smoke

Frank in all directions

Jean Cocteau and Jean Marais

Simply cannot go back to them

Roll your eyes at Samuel Beckett

John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion

Metaphors with eyes

Life of Mary MacLane

Circle what it is you want

Not really talking about women, just Diane

Felicity's disguise

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« In Which We Consider Your Queries With Care »

Hard to Say is This Recording’s weekly advice column. It will appear every Wednesday until the Earth perishes in a fiery blaze, or until North West turns 40. Get no-nonsense answers to all of your most pressing questions by writing to justhardtosay@gmail.com or by dropping us a note at our tumblr.


I dated this guy Dustin for two months. I’m pretty shy, so it was hard for me to open up to him, and eventually he told me that he just didn’t feel like I was interested and thought we should break up. Now I’m heartbroken and confused. I didn’t think it was a good idea to share too much of myself so quickly in a relationship, but that seemed to be what he wanted? 

Janelle S.


Dear Janelle,

If you’re shy, own it! There’s nothing wrong with needing time to open up. Sure, it’s frustrating when your partner won’t tell you all their secrets, but it’s also kind of sexy. I don’t know that I’ve ever met a man who wanted to know everything within two months, so I’m going to go ahead and say that something’s rotten in Denmark here.

Dustin probably needed an excuse for his own disinterest/desire to break up so he used your shyness. That was a shitty move, but it’s also common, so don’t dwell on it longer than you absolutely need to.

In the meantime, think about what you really want from a potential bae. Forget the rules. Dance after midnight, wear white after Labor Day, mix clear and brown liquors, sing like nobody is listening, etc.


Do I need an exposed brick wall in my apartment to be happy? I was never one of those “those girls” but now I’m having trouble sleeping because I can’t find an available apartment with exposed brick. 

Rachel T.

Dear Rachel,

Obviously you don’t need exposed brick to be happy. Instead, you need:

  1. Cheap kohl

  2. Not to be killed by your parents for being a girl

  3. A guaranteed spot in Heaven

  4. A cure for the plague

  5. A receding hairline

  6. A large butt

  7. A 14-inch waist

  8. The right to vote

  9. A husband, preferably one with a good job so that you can stay home to cook and take care of your 3 children

  10. Blond hair and blue eyes

  11. A bra to burn

  12. A house in the suburbs with a white picket fence

  13. An executive-level job

  14. The ability to juggle it all

  15. A female friend with whom you never speak of men

  16. Great light in your bathroom for selfies

  17. A weekly manicure and wax

  18. A light-hearted abortion

  19. Emotional resilience, sexual aggression, maternal instinct

  20. A great pair of jeans


Illustrations by Mia Nguyen.

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