In Which Georgia Unveils 21 Short Essays About McCabe and Mrs. Miller

Things Thought While Watching McCabe and Mrs. Miller
This is a comedy right?
God my nails look like shit. I’m going to give myself a manicure while I watch this.
Whoa…Warren Beatty was hot. Another tick on my “all dudes look better with a beard” tally.
I wonder if those “background actors” smell as bad as they look.
Why has it been so long since I've had a Pop Tart?
Why did I wait till after every other This Recording writer had picked an Altman movie to decide to participate in this? Popeye would have been awesome. I could have used those photos of myself dressed as Olive Oyl from the past, like, four Halloweens. Or The Long Goodbye…I love that movie! Damn Molly Young for being less of a procrastinator than me!
...and damn her for her perfect hair, while we're at it.
For real though, who knew Warren Beatty was so damn hot?
I don’t think this is a comedy. Damn. I love whorehouse comedies.
I had my whorehouse movies confused, turns out
I wonder what whiskey tasted like back then.
I’d like a glass of whiskey.
Glass of whiskey
I wonder what the Hipster Grifter is doing right now.
Being a whore back then must have been the WORST. Not like it’s any better now, from what I can tell…but dude, those guys look smelly with a capital "gonorrhea."
Don't look up the word "gonorrhea" on Google Images...just don't. Oh hey, there’s Shelly Duvall.
Shelly Duvall...or is it? there's really just no way to tell
It's really hard for me to suspend my disbelief and enjoy this movie when all I can think about is how bad everyone's junk probably smelt back then.
I wonder who would win in a fight between McCabe and Daniel Plainview.
Leonard Cohen probably needed some Welbutrin, or at least a hug. Man that guy's depressing.
Have you hugged an influential folk musician today?
"Julie Christie"...I bet she hated her real last name, whatever it was.
Turns out it was "Christie"...or was it?
I wonder who would win in a fight: Leonard Cohen or John Locke.
My money's on Locke.
God this movie is depressing.
Georgia Hardstark is a writer and a whiskey drinker living in Los Angeles. You can bet on her in a fight at her blog or her tumblr.
"Sisters of Mercy" — Leonard Cohen (mp3)
"Master Song" — Leonard Cohen (mp3)
"Winter Lady" — Leonard Cohen (mp3)
"Stranger Song" — Leonard Cohen (mp3)