
Video of the Day


Alex Carnevale

Features Editor
Mia Nguyen

Reviews Editor
Ethan Peterson

This Recording

is dedicated to the enjoyment of audio and visual stimuli. Please visit our archives where we have uncovered the true importance of nearly everything. Should you want to reach us, e-mail alex dot carnevale at gmail dot com, but don't tell the spam robots. Consider contacting us if you wish to use This Recording in your classroom or club setting. We have given several talks at local Rotarys that we feel went really well.

Pretty used to being with Gwyneth

Regrets that her mother did not smoke

Frank in all directions

Jean Cocteau and Jean Marais

Simply cannot go back to them

Roll your eyes at Samuel Beckett

John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion

Metaphors with eyes

Life of Mary MacLane

Circle what it is you want

Not really talking about women, just Diane

Felicity's disguise

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Entries in rebecca wiener (2)


In Which If This Heat Wave Never Breaks It'll Be Too Soon

The Hot List


I grew up in a place where the heat was exceptional. To get from house to car, from car to school, from school to Frappuccino necessitated wading through the thick, angry foam of outside. Every first moment of air-conditioned relief was a revelation. Every moment before, anticipation. The heat in New York is remarkable in a different way. Without the reliable sharp edge of central air, the clarity of an unnaturally cold room, days become fuzzy. Thoughts slow, feelings expand and boundaries blur. My body is your body is the grass is this bus seat is this dress. I say more of the things that float into my mind, I sleep much more or much less. New York in the summer has always made me feel nostalgic. Maybe it just turns my brain mushy, but this feels like longing. In the grand This Recording tradition, below is a list of things that make me ache in a good way when it's 104 degrees outside.

Blue Fla-Vor-Ice

Phoebe Washburn

French kissing frenzies by the middle school buses

Allison Krauss and Emmylou Harris in my father's car

The fear that the water slide will steal my bikini top

Arnold Palmers in a too-big styrofoam cup


Basketball on the blacktop

Goodbye, Columbus

Sweaty optimistic apartment parties in our freshman year of life

Elizabeth Peyton

AOL chat rooms

Canned peaches in syrup


Driving around on Saturday nights, shrieking when a good song comes on

Drinking iced coffee outside, then inside, then outside

Astroworld vs Great Adventure

Princess Di

Pressing 'record' at the perfect moment to tape your favorite song on the radio

Itchy, dry grass on the backs of my legs; soft, feathery grass on the backs of my legs

Fumbling sex

The Liars Club


Lucian Freud

High school boys

Field trips

Short haircuts

Sitting on our damp towels in the car on the way home from the pool

Christian Slater in Untamed Heart


Sunny D

Mix tapes before High Fidelity

Folded up notes written in 3 different pens


Painting my nails with white out

Fake Plastic Trees

Holding hands at the mall

Bread and Jam for Frances


Rebecca Wiener is the senior contributor to This Recording. She is a writer and artist living in Greenpoint. Her website is here.

"The Freshmen" - The Verve Pipe (mp3)

"Summer Girls" - LFO (mp3)

"Fake Plastic Trees" - Radiohead (mp3)

"Island in the Sun" - Weezer (mp3)


In Which We Can't Handle Most Or All Of These Things

25 Things That Are Just Too Real for Me Right Now


I've been going through some Stuff recently. I'm trying to think about this as my year of magical thinking. But sometimes it feels more like my year of mmmmphfnggmggghh. Things are pretty OK these days, but as my loyal and patient friends and family can attest, I'm a little sensitive about some things. I've been keeping a list.

1. Zooey Deschanel

2. Emails from my dad with cut & pasted articles about how men are like this and women are like that

3. Google ads

4. Reality Bites

5. "Moving to Berlin"

6. Slate and/or NYT Style Section pieces about reverse sexism, eating disorders or birth control

7. Richard Serra

8. Nesting blogs

9. Billy Joel and Katie Lee Joel

10. Emails from my dad with cut & pasted articles about how Obama isn't living up to his promises

11. Joni Mitchell

12. The comedy of Michael Showalter

13. BBQ banter about how New York is a succubus and we should all escape before we lose our life forces, but how we won't because where else can you get a good bagel and go to a bodega at 2 am and oh god oh god shut the fuck up

14. My fat fucking cat

15. McCarren Park

16. Ariel Levy's profile of Nora Ephron

17. Michael Jackson songs performed by children

18. Julia Allison

19. Revolutionary Road

20. The state of American health insurance

21. Posters for Orphan

22. My student health insurance

23. Emails from my dad with cut & pasted articles about how there are too many overeducated single women in metropolitan cities

24. Ben Folds and Regina Spektor duet "You Don't Know Me"

25. This American Life segments on bed bugs

Rebecca Wiener is the senior contributor to This Recording. She is a writer and designer living in Greenpoint.

"Dragonflies" — Red House Painters (mp3)

"Rollercoaster" — Red House Painters (mp3)

"New Jersey" - Red House Painters (mp3)

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