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Alex Carnevale

Features Editor
Mia Nguyen

Reviews Editor
Ethan Peterson

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This Recording

is dedicated to the enjoyment of audio and visual stimuli. Please visit our archives where we have uncovered the true importance of nearly everything. Should you want to reach us, e-mail alex dot carnevale at gmail dot com, but don't tell the spam robots. Consider contacting us if you wish to use This Recording in your classroom or club setting. We have given several talks at local Rotarys that we feel went really well.

Pretty used to being with Gwyneth

Regrets that her mother did not smoke

Frank in all directions

Jean Cocteau and Jean Marais

Simply cannot go back to them

Roll your eyes at Samuel Beckett

John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion

Metaphors with eyes

Life of Mary MacLane

Circle what it is you want

Not really talking about women, just Diane

Felicity's disguise

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Entries in star trek (8)


In Which It Was Another Generation

After the Cold War, A Long Trek


In difficult times we harken back to that which brings us life. The success of America's aims abroad had peaked when we sent the monstrosity known as the Soviet Union packing. The Russia people were beginning would eventually be ruled by Vladimir Putin and the mob. America triumphed in a new age of interstellar peace and happiness. Basically we were these guys.

A lot of us were discovering things about ourselves. The decade of the 1990s would spawn a number of such well-intentioned malcontents, Pauly Shore and Bob Saget to name a few. But the good people were the space people.

The generation before had been marked by the constant monotone of war which found a perilous future in time and space, along with profound moments (like those in the songs of whales) that allowed us to remember what we'd lost. Captain Picard didn't want to blow anyone's face off. He wasn't quick to the gun. He was never even kind of a dick.

The technology that surrounded these peaceful warriors had a relatively negligible effect on its denizens, whose mental processes largely weren't different from 20th century norms. In the character of Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation made an artificial human into humanity and went in depth to prove a machine was, in fact, still a man.

Although men could find whatever drink or food they desired transported to their room, this did not dim their enthusiasm for conquest. Relationships were short-lived, they were as real as they had been before: only more fleeting in their duration. The quickening of life did not quicken the souls of these peacefaring folk.

It can be said that the point of this exercise was to chronicle the fate of man as he adapted himself to the stars, but whatever development would have been made along those lines, Wesley Crusher was a weak-minded syphocant, the symbolic lovechild of a mentally ill Picard. Others failed to adapt as poorly as Wesley — Troi nearly went insane once per season, and Riker always had a little Stephon Marbury in him.

In the Emmy-winning episode "The Inner Light" a probe broadcasting the dying wish of a destroyed civilization attached itself to the handsome Picard. Jean-Luc Picard's dream was of a pretechnological civilization, and he himself adheres to the aims of the age — a promised benign future for him and his family, and obedience to whatever God he chose. In contrast, Data was the far more complex thinker.

Man and machine are destined to become entwined together in bondage, and Star Trek: TNG's plan was to bring that out of hiding, see how the old values held up in a world where you could beam down to a planet full of evil dwarves. This was how we could decide whether technology would overwhelm us entirely.

Among the alien landscape, these figures embodied the older perspective, the West as it was in the world. The Borg became Picard's biggest enemy, the perversity of technological advancement, the hive mind that will abide no other. We were always in greater danger from some casual vicissitude of modernity, like sacrificing whales or changing the timeline. Man's environmental indulgence slowly became the larger symptom of his fate.

Before this period, we imagining ourselves living on the moon, exploring Mars. Then Star Trek came and reminded us that despite this, we were very much alone in the universe.

Is this a future we would want? A lifetime of policing galaxies may be too much to ask from any starfaring race. In the real world, America would of course have her own foreign policy adventures against Communist enemies both real and imagined. The Klingons and the rest disappeared, they were pacified by the entreaties of the Federation. If mankind (America) had to stand atop the galaxies, would he have to also lose his mind and sense of purpose?

Star Trek: TNG was a phenomenon on its debut. After a clumsy first season they soon got to Data and what the rest of it meant by the second season. In the middle seasons the show would abandon the alien-of-the-week concept and expand the purview of the show.

By the seventh season it had been one time travel episode too many and Data had a ho in every city so things were backtracking fast. Picard was looking extremely fatigued, and the lines under Riker's eyes made viewers sad and nostalgic for the last of the exultants.

Alex Carnevale is the editor of This Recording. He tumbls here.

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star trek: first contact storyboard

"Snails" — The Format (mp3)

"The Compromise" — The Format (mp3)

"Dead End" — The Format (mp3)


In Which It's Not Something I Would Recommend But It Is One Way To Live

The Week In Review

Obama gives his graduation speech at Notre Dame today, where students are protesting. I saw a picture of some dude wearing a "Don't Ruin My Graduation" tee-shirt. This was relatively ironic since he had already attended Notre Dame. They should have been forced to have Charlie Weis give the graduation speech. I wish there were more protests at my graduation, then I wouldn't have had to eat three pizzas because I was so anxious. In fact I think the protestors are simply helping the binge-eating population relax, because they know the attention will be elsewhere. OK here's what we posted this week:

In more serious news, my little brother graduated from college, so congratulations to him. He already has a job, which is more than I can say for most people. My brother is a charming person; his name is Danny but all of his college friends call him Dan. You don't really realize what the problem with college is until you see someone else go through it.

My grandfather didn't even finish high school, so this is an impressive achievement in our family. As a gift, I peed on a flower and gave it to my brother. Good luck Danny. The first thing my brother said to me when I saw him was, "Did you hear the new Dave Matthews single?" All I could feel was utter joy that he has not been ruined by the vagaries of the world we live in, and is focused on the important things, like getting laid at DMB concerts. And to be honest with you dog, I really liked the new single.

It's good to have a family, I'm glad I have one. I just wish they read the internet more, so that my jokes would seem a lot funnier in context. We stayed at a Marriott, and now the homepage on every computer in the business annex of the hotel is This Recording. You should read this blog all the time, and think of us when you're not reading it.

You can find last week's week in review here.

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"Do The Nurse" — Animal Collective (mp3)

"Young Prayer #2" — Animal Collective (mp3)

"Ice Cream Factory" — Animal Collective (mp3)

from the new box set


In Which Space Is Disease And Danger Wrapped In Darkness And Silence

It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes The Starship Enterprise To Cry


Star Trek

dir. J.J. Abrams

Stardate: 2009

America is ready to come out of the closet! As science fiction fans! Yes what better way to herald the Obama era than with a reboot of the grooviest most racially integratediest show of them, Star Trek. While we were all hoping for a black Captain Kirk (T.I. perhaps?), Chris Pine is totally charming as the cocky would-be captain. Spock is the role Zachary Quinto was clearly born to play.

Star Trek ruled. I had no expectations or prior interest in the franchise and its mythology. I was more of an X-Phile than a Trekkie. But it was sweet. Sure there are missteps (CGI vaginasaur, Eric Bana looking like a bald Michael Richards in Maori Tā Moko, old makeup on Winona Ryder) and plenty of plot holes, but whatever dude. It was 90 percent dope and Simon Pegg made up for the weak spots. 

Pre-Show Summer Movie Trailer Round Up:

G.I. Joe: super fucking shitty. tremendously shitty looking. 

Transformers 2: not as shitty as G.I. Joe. I would maybe see this 4 Shia 

A "Serious" CGI Movie About Rag Dolls: nobody wanted this

Origin stories are not my fave. They are tough to pull off. I'd love to see a super-hero franchise make its first pic in medias res. But I loved this. Even the stuff with Kirk and Spock as kids didn't give me the Anakin Skywalkers as bad I thought it might. Despite the PG-13 rating, there are plenty of redshirts dispatched in amusing ways.

Best CGI I have seen in a big summer movie since the first Pirates Of The Carribean. The reason for that? Models. They used scale models as much as possible, JJ Abrams apparently insisted on it, and it looks much better, more like 2001 and O.G. Star Wars than anything in recent memory. I was prepared for the time travel fuckery from having watched this current season of LOST.

the Wolverine faces on the wall r killin me

I don't know what kinds of future sexualities the Vulcan race follow, but Spock is at least bisexual. He def had way more chemistry with Kirk than Uhura. There were as many non-sexual sex scenes in this movie as there were in "Twilight." I can't count the number of times they showed Kirk panting post-orgasmically after a hot stare-down with Spock or a shot from Bones.

Str8 women have told Hollywood that they are fine with lusting after gay dudes. It's not like they'll get to fuck Gerard Butler either. If the popularity of Sylar and Adam Lambert on ONTD doesn't demonstrate that, I'm not sure what will. More importantly, a probably gay dude that isn't Hugh Jackman or Tom Cruise co-headlined a big summer movie! .

Kirk/Spock is the first ever fanfic pairing (no homo) and the ultimate One True Pairing, and now I see why. There will be Kirk fans (me) and Spock fans (my friend Jess) but mostly there is no one without the other, as Mahnola Dargis noted in her (mostly positive!) review. The supporting cast is terrific. The dialogue is decent with some bright spots. The story is ridiculous but hey, it's Star Trek! "Bones" McCoy was the best. That dude was awes. More Gambit than a Gambit.

there are no rules about story construction in space

Everything that went wrong in Cloverfield goes right here. I completely gasped in awe at a couple of the space CGI effects. The cast has great chemistry and the whole thing has an underlying goofiness befitting the original series. Couldn't ask for much more from a summer tentpole.


Star Trek: A

Wolverine/17 Again: C+/B-

Robert Altman films: A+


Molly Lambert is the managing editor of This Recording. She tumbls here.

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"Giving That Heaven Away" - Jackson Browne (mp3)

"The Drums of War" - Jackson Browne (mp3)

"Time the Conqueror" - Jackson Browne (mp3)